There are three main areas that most of us crossdressers are going to deal with to some extent, that is chest, pits and legs. There are other areas that you may have to deal with if you have thicker harm hair and so on. But these three areas are the main parts that you have to get rid of eventually, even if you don't have a particularly thick body hair in some of those areas. It will still show up otherwise.
There are several general things about shaving you need to know. The first is there are a great deal of products geared specifically towards women when it comes to shaving, such as leg razors, shaving gels, shaving creams and so on. All these things are specifically designed for women. Actually, you don't need to use them. There's no functional difference between a man's razor and a woman's. It is just marketing. The only thing you need to be sure is that you are using a fairly sharp razor, but something too dull, especially when you are starting out and you don't have the familiarity of shaving these particular curves for that you may end up cutting yourself and general irritation issues. There are options aside from shaving particularly for legs, such as products like Nair and waxing. Ultimately, shaving works best. Because usually when you are using products like Nair, it would still miss little bits and you may end up going over again with a razor anyway. For waxing, it's just too painful and worthless for crossdressers.
When you are shaving, you need to use some cream to make your skin smoother so that the razor can go easily without hurting you. The difference between men's cream and women's is just the scent. Women's shaving creams tend to have fruity and natural scents, while man's tend to be muskier.
There's something I'd like to give you a heads up for that otherwise you are probably going to catch you off guard. First, once you removed your leg hair, you will be amazed at how much insulation those hairs actually provided. It will be much colder than you would have expected. This is especially true in colder months. Second, the skin is going to itch as the hair grows back. But there's not much method to deal with it. So just be prepared to know that it is going to itch. Third, get some shaving creams for sensitive skin even you normally do not need to use sensitive skin products, for that these areas are not used to being hit by a razor before, or you may get irritation. Forth, the frequency of shaving should be almost twice a week for men if you want to maintain smooth legs. Fifth, you may worry that our smooth chest, pits and legs may cause concern as far as potentially being discovered that we are crossdressers. But recently, the common fashion trend is really doing us a favor. "Manscaping" has become so common that nobody really questions a hairless man anymore regardless of your body type. So you don't have worry about that. Just do want you want to do.